Ed Case to Supporters: I am Withdrawing from Hawaii Congressional Race

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Authored by U.S. Congressman (2002-2007) Ed Case

Audrey and I are just back from our high school reunion on the Big Island. There the enduring friendships and life lessons of our youth enabled us to come to resolution on our best path forward.

This past week since Election Day has been a roller coaster. We’ve taken apart the results and analyzed our options every which way. I’ve listened to the heartfelt advice of my family, our incredible campaign ‘ohana and so many others who share our dreams, and asked myself how I can best contribute. If it all lined up it’d be an easy decision, but it doesn’t. Yet, a decision must be made.

My heart tells me to stay in this fight, but my head says this has become the wrong fight. So today I’m withdrawing my candidacy for the U. S. House of Representatives from Hawai‘i’s great First District for the upcoming 112th Congress (2011-2012).

To our ‘ohana, I am so deeply grateful to each and all of you. We have shared the dream of a better way forward for our Hawai‘i and country and worked so hard together to achieve it. We have truly made a difference, and must never doubt our ability to change our community and world. And I again thank the voters of Hawai‘i for allowing me to serve you in prior office and for your fair consideration of my candidacy this year.

As for my own plans, our return to our formative years reconfirmed that service has been and always will be central to my very being. So the question is not whether but when, where and how I can best continue to serve, and I know that path will emerge in its own time.

Audrey and I wish you and yours only the very best. I will always welcome your thoughts, and look forward to staying in touch.




  1. We knew that was going to happen. It was just a matter of time before he met with the DCCC. It’s all about the “Party” at all costs; not the people. That’s why we voted for and will vote again for Djou.

  2. Case was always attacked by his own party, ” the ole boy network “, Case knows and have shown that, who controls the democatic party and who the party favors, well we all saw them ” up on stage “. The far left is very happy Case bowed out of the race, they even gave him a lei and sent him off .. The arrogance of the democratic party ” shines on “. They took Case as a ” conservative democrat “, not as a moderate he has claimed to be, and that was a threat to them . So now , as in a ” chess match “, the so called ” queen ” has the freedom to the whole board . But this particular board has been narrowed down to only a few ” squares “.

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