Hawaii Says Aloha to Cost of Government Day

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Residents of Hawaii had to work for 231 days to pay off their share of the burden of government in 2010.

In other words, residents of the Aloha state had to work until August 19th just to pay off all the costs imposed by government regulations and spending at the national, state, and local levels.


This means that Hawaii’s Cost of Government Day falls 32nd from among the states, and is the only state to share its Cost of Government Day with the national date.

This constitutes a jump of three places, from its ranking of 36th place in 2009. The situation for Hawaiian taxpayers, however, cannot be said to have improved.

This late date is due to the high-tax, big government regime of Hawaiian legislators, who passed a $22 million tax hike on petroleum in the most recent legislative session.

What’s worse, the legislature had to override Governor Lingle’s veto in order to raise taxes–which they happily did.

In addition, several tax hikes that were passed in 2009 just went into effect July 1st, further increasing the burden on Hawaii’s overloaded taxpayers.

Last year, Hawaii also shared its COGD with the national date.

We hope next year Aloha State taxpayers will get to “celebrate” COGD before the national average…but with the tax increases and continued spending signed into law this year, we’re won’t hold our breath.

Submitted by the Americans for Tax Reform. For more information, log onto https://www.atr.org





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    […] Residents of Hawaii had to work for 231 days to pay off their share of the burden of government in 2010. Hawaii Reporter. […]

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